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1828 L Street, N.W., Suite 625
Washington DC 20036
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11300 Rockville Pike
One Central Plaza, Suite 802
Rockville, MD 20852

Reaching Out to a Montgomery County Personal Injury Law Firm

After the chaos that surrounds an accident or an injury abates, it is time to step back and focus on following a course of action to protect your rights and maximize monetary compensation for the wrongs you suffered. You and your family deserve to be compensated for the wrongful acts that caused your serious injury.

In most cases, an insurance company is involved and the injured party looks to collect damages from the company. The intelligent choice at this point is to seek out a highly qualified Washington DC auto accident attorney at the Law Offices of Jay S. Weiss, P.C. to represent you. Skilled accident attorneys understand all the intricacies and nuances of personal injury law and know how to work hard to maximize the compensation you can recover. Should your attorney not be able to settle your case with the insurance company, a lawsuit can be brought on your behalf.

Montgomery County injury law firms help with negotiation and settlement

Soon after your accident and your retention of a Washington DC injury lawyer, the process of establishing your case begins. Your attorney gathers information and begins the process of negotiation with the insurance company.

As part of your claim, your Washington DC injury attorneys can negotiate with the insurance company to obtain payment for the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Income you have already lost and can expect to lose in the future
  • Other damages suffered as a result of the accident, including loss of your vehicle

The first offer that comes from the adjuster at the insurance company is likely to be significantly less than the amount the company is willing to pay or that your attorney requests. In most cases, the attorney and the insurance company can come to an agreement, or settlement, on the amount of payment you are to receive for your injuries.

Should the parties not be able to settle the case, your attorney is ready to take the case to trial and argue relentlessly for the justice and compensation that you deserve.

Speak with an attorney at our Montgomery County personal injury law firm

Are you seeking Montgomery County personal injury law firms? The attorneys at Washington, DC's Law Offices of Jay S. Weiss, P.C. fight to win just compensation for personal injury victims throughout the greater DC metro area, including Montgomery, Howard, Prince George's, Charles, and other nearby counties in Maryland. Dial 202-872-1545 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation and start on the path to financial recovery.